I have some questions. I don’t own the truth. I just want to bring some reflections that the politically correct media doesn’t bring up.
During my visit to Israel, I took the chance to pass by the Palestinian territory. Simply by curiosity. Why not go there and check how really is? Of course without compromise my security. Visited Bethlehem for some hours and Ramallah for 3 days. Just felt safe, I could walk in the streets even at night. It’s not something I do in Brazilian big cities and in South Africa, for example.
No scammer on the way searching for foreigners to scam. During my short visit to both cities, I’ve always met gentle and receptive people. My criticism is towards Palestinian authorities, not to the people that unfortunately are used as puppets for political games.
My only discomfort was to don’t talk about politics — I usually ask lots of questions — and especially about Israel, my favorite country so far. There is a conflict between Palestine and Israel that can’t be ignored. Nobody is a saint in this conflict! On both sides, there are deaths, destructions, losses, trauma, etc; as well as the responsibility for all the shit happening around it.
I’m not a fan of that positioning taking Palestinians as incapable victims dependent on external aids. While in Israel politicians go to the jail for corruption (as the case of former prime minister Ehud Olmert), it’s evident on Palestinian politics the presence of Hamas, Jihad Islamist, and Fatah. There’s no need to be a genius to understand these groups are involved in terrorist actions. Why support terrorist groups?
Why put Israel as a unique villain in history? Why indoctrinate youth to hate Israel? How to make a peace agreement under such a situation? Would you like a terrorist attack in front of your home or place of work? If a terrorist attack happened, what would you expect from the government and from the authorities? The politically correct approach in this case doesn’t work.
According to the statistics shown at statisticbrain.com, the number of suicide attacks in Israel drastically decreased after 2002, when the wall separating Israel and Palestine began to be built. There were 238 suicide attacks in 2002, 145 in 2003, 98 in 2004, 33 in 2005, 15 in 2006; until decreased to 0 between 2009 and 2015.
Even though with all the boycott applied by the Arab world, Israel became the only developed country in the Middle East. Hub of technology, innovation, entrepreneurship in a desertic soil poor on natural resources.
Why do the sheiks care more about boycott Israel than to serve the population of their countries? While they live on opulent luxury, it’s not a surprise the Arab populations living under poverty, unemployment, and stagnated economies. The same goes for Palestinian authorities!
The Arab Spring between 2010 and 2011 has shown it clearly.
As I usually say to Arabic friends, the Arab world will never develop socially and economically while authoritarian governments care more about boycott Israel than to serve their populations. Why not invest in education to inhibit the fundamentalism? Why not promote the economical liberty to create jobs, attract investments, and take people out of poverty?
The Arab world is populated by 357 million people and about 20% (71,4 million) are between 15 and 24 years old. If the sheiks don’t focus on developing the economy of their countries, poverty and unemployment in the Middle East will just increase. Such context perfectly serves as fuel for terrorist groups based on Islamic fundamentalism. Between a billionaire sheik and a poor/unemployed citizen, which one is more vulnerable to become a suicide terrorist?
One thing I noticed visiting Palestine was how the UN, which should provide education and healthcare for Palestinian people, not always reliable with its commitments. While talking with locals, I knew about teachers making strikes because the UN doesn’t pay their salaries. Where is the money? A better question: where does the money go?

Important to remember that the UN maintains an agency especially for Palestinian refugees. The expenses of UNRWA in 2016 were US$ 1,24 billion, according to this report (see page 16). And US$ 411,5 million were destined for educational programs, according to the same report. Is this amount of money not enough to pay the teachers?
I’ve also seen a hotel built by Red Crescent (the Islamic Red Cross) beside of a refugee camp in Ramallah. Is this hotel serving the refugee camp? Is this the best way to apply the money from charity?

I’ve also seen a Youth Rehabilitation Center built with donations from the former Brazilian football player Ronaldo when he was UN Goodwill Ambassador, which has never worked. What to say about this case?

Another question: can the Palestinians who seek asylum in other Arabic countries buy properties and open their own business? No. And why not? I would like to know.
Then, why the Arab world insists in use Palestine as an entertaining puppet dependent on foreign aid? For those who are taking advantage of the corruption in the Palestinian territory, is it interesting the end of foreign aid? Victimhood is more interesting.
Originally posted 2017-09-23 23:03:00.